IMPORTANT NOTE: CARV WEBSITE IS MOVING!As of June 7, 2017, the CARV website will be hosted by the National Peace Corps Association, our parent organization. Please go to:www.cincinnatirpcv.org If you have any questions, please contact us at carv.rpcvs@gmail.com Why Peace Corps Matters: Two Messages From NPCANPCA President, Glenn Blumhorst writes to everyone in the Peace Corps family about the the future of the Peace Corps under the soon-to-be Trump administration. See his message at http://www.peacecorpsconnect.org/articles/a-letter-from-glenn-blumhorst-npca-president-ceo.RPCVs and friends of Peace Corps are encouraged to express to President Elect Trump their feelings re. the importance of Peace Corps. Find suggestions for points to include in your message to Trump at http://www.peacecorpsconnect.org/articles/tell-president-elect-trump-why-the-peace-corps-matters. CARV Needs Your Support!The CARV Board voted at its June 13, 2016 meeting to convert to a calendar year dues structure. Dues are $15 per member for 2016 and will remain at $15 for 2017. If you have made a 2016 payment to CARV, that is fine. If you can’t pay that is fine. No one will be dropped. If you can afford to make an additional donation, that is very fine!Your dues permit CARV to continue to support local PCVs through the Peace Corps Partnership Program (PCPP), fund special projects, hold events for area RPCVs, and meet our operating expenses. A local Peace Corps Volunteer, David Vanness, has asked CARV for support of his PPCP water project in Morocco. (See https://donate.peacecorps.gov/donate/project/igilouda-izgouaren-water-project/.) However, we don’t have adequate funds to donate to this worthwhile project and still meet minimum banking requirements and current expenses, including the July 17 CARV/SORVO picnic which CARV is hosting. This message is sent to over 240 CARV members. In 2015, only 23 members supported CARV with dues or donations, less than 10% of our membership. Will you please support CARV so that we can continue to remain an active and viable NPCA affiliate group. Make checks payable to "CARV” and mail to Barry Adamson, CARV Treasurer, 744 Springfield Pike., Cincinnati, OH 45215. Please contact him if you have any questions: barry.adamson@gmail.com, or 513-720-4569.
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July 11, 2018
CARV_2016_Financials.pdf [365.8 kb] July 11, 2018 Calendar.pdf [211.6 kb] July 11, 2018 |
CARV Calendar is at the bottom of this page. ![]() |
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